
简介:Six months have passed. After Josh has a near miss with a car,David,who has lost his job,decides to stay at home and be a house-husband. Pete and Jenny organize a blind date for Adam with a woman called Amy who,despite her demure appearance,is up for sex with him and becomes slightly obsessed. Rachel returns from London and stays with Karen but asks her not to tell Adam. However Pete sees Rachel pushing a pram - containing a friend's baby - and tells Adam,who assumes the child is his. As a result Karen sets up a date for Rachel to have dinner at Adam's flat. Having got rid of Amy Adam welcomes Rachel and proudly shows her that he has turned the spare room into a nursery. He is therefore shocked when Rachel tells him that she had an abortion whilst in London.…


  • 更新至73集
  • 更新至24集
  • 第46集完结
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  • 第30集
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  • 完结
  • 教育1台第46集完结


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  • HD